Terms and Conditions

The Tour Terms & Conditions for the Agent-Organized Tours in Japan:

The agent-organized tour is planned and prepared in advance for the recruitment of the clients. The Explanatory Document / Contract Document, as well as the Tour Terms & Conditions for the Agent-Organized Tours in Japan will be a apart of the Travel Contract with the clients.  The attached are English translation, and the original text was written in Japanese.  If any discrepancies should arise between the Japanese and English text, the former shall prevail at all times.

>Explanatory Document / Contract Document for the Tour Terms & Conditions for the Agent-Organized Tours in Japan

>The Tour Terms & Conditions for the Agent-Organized Tours in Japan


The Tour Terms & Conditions for the Custom-Ordered Tours in Japan:

The custom-ordered tour is planned and prepared at the request of the clients. The Explanatory Document / Contract Document, as well as the Tour Terms & Conditions for the Custom-Ordered Tours in Japan will be a apart of the Travel Contract with the clients.  The attached is English translation of the Tour Terms & Conditions for the Custom-Ordered Tours in Japan , and the original text was written in Japanese.  If any discrepancies should arise between the Japanese and English text, the former shall prevail at all times.

>The Tour Terms & Conditions for the Custom-Ordered Tours in Japan


Standard General Conditions of Travel Agency Business:

The attached are English translation of the Standard General Conditions for various travel contracts, prepared by JATA (Japan Association of Travel Agents). The original text was written in Japanese by the Mistry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. If any discrepancies should arise between the Japanese and English texts, the former shall prevail at all times.

>Subscription Type Organized Tour Contract
For the tours we prepare beforehand for subscription by travelers

>Order-Taking Type Organized Tour Contract
For the tours we prepare at the request of the traveler

>Exhibit – Ruled of Special Indemnity
Exhibit to both Subscription and Order-Taking Type Organized Tour Contracts

>Arranged Tour Contract
We undertake to make arrangements of travel-related services at the request of the traveler by representing the traveler.

>Travel Consulting Service Contract 


Cancellation Policy:
> Subscription Type Organized Tour Contract

(For the tours we prepare beforehand for subscription by travelers: Agent-organized package tour)

> Order-Taking Type Organized Tour Contract
(For the tours we prepare at the request of the traveler. Cancellation policy may vary with each tour, and will be specified in the relevant Travel Contract.)